Grab your free 11-Point WordPress Security Checklist PDF: https://wplearninglab.com/get/wordpress-redirects.php?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=wp_security_lockdown&utm_id=11_point_wp_security_checklist&utm_term=mmAh1He9un4&utm_content=video_description
If you’re not happy about the way WordPress organizes your content in the backend then this video is for you. Using the plugin I’m going to show you (it has a free and paid version) you will be able to organize into folders everything in your media library, all your posts, all your pages, all your plugins, all the users on your site, all of your Tablepress folders, all GravityForms entries and forms, all of your WooCommerce orders, products and coupons and much more.
Plus you can set 5 specific permission types for all the users roles on your site.
Here’s the link to WickedFolders in the WordPress Repository: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wicked-folders/
Here’s where you can get WickedFolders Pro: https://wplearninglab.com/go/wickedfolders
Always backup your site just in case (or use a staging site), here’s how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1aYbayFpfU&list=PLlgSvQqMfii4l2cVV1TZ7j_kHs_2qmf4b
Join our private Facebook group today! https://www.facebook.com/groups/wplearninglab
Here are 20+ reasons why I host all my sites with SiteGround: https://wplearninglab.com/siteground-wordpress-hosting-review/
Post videos of your WordPress success using the hashtag #WPLLCommunity!
Here’s the link for Elementor Pro (aff): https://wplearninglab.com/recommends/elementor
I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter.
WP Learning Lab Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=wplearninglab