10 Best Free WordPress Chatbot Plugins

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Explore the plugins:
1. WSChat ELEX WordPress Live Chat – https://learnwoo.com/refer/elex-wschat-wordpress-live-chat-plugin
2. Tidio – Live Chat, Chatbots & Email Marketing – https://wordpress.org/plugins/tidio-live-chat/
3. ChatBot WPBot – https://wordpress.org/plugins/chatbot/
4. Website Chatbot – https://wordpress.org/plugins/collectchat/
5. Cliengo – Chatbot – https://wordpress.org/plugins/cliengo/
6. WP-Chatbot for Messenger – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-chatbot/
7. Chatbot with IBM Watson – https://wordpress.org/plugins/conversation-watson/
8. WP Live Chat + Chatbots Plugin for WordPress – Chaport – https://wordpress.org/plugins/chaport/
9. Chatra Live Chat + ChatBot + Cart Saver – https://wordpress.org/plugins/chatra-live-chat/
10. ChatBot WoowBot – https://wordpress.org/plugins/woowbot-woocommerce-chatbot/

Read the article – https://learnwoo.com/free-wordpress-chatbot-plugins/
AI-integrated chatbots can greatly improve customer service interactions by responding to user queries with preset responses so that your support department’s workflow will be more streamlined. Chatbots often can deduce what customers want and accordingly redirect them to the correct department or person. You can leverage machine learning to make the chatbot responses more natural and aligned to the interests of your customer base. How will you integrate a chatbot on your WordPress site?

In this video, we will discuss some of the best free WordPress chatbot plugins that you can install on your site.
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Suggested watching:
1. How to Set up Flat-rate Shipping on WooCommerce? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKOVk…
2. How to add Coupons to WordPress? -https://youtu.be/R2WGbxBUzc4
3. How to Setup WordPress Locally? – https://youtu.be/I9BfrI3HqmA
4. How to Edit WordPress Source Code Files? – https://youtu.be/TWk1psxuS_Q
5. How to Use WordPress and WooCommerce Shortcodes? – https://youtu.be/Z9tgl2LE_2o
6. How to Secure Your WordPress Login Page? – https://youtu.be/9CN6ZEgYGSU
7. How to Find Post ID on your WordPress Site? – https://youtu.be/F8udDleyTNM
8. What is WordPress Multisite? How to set up a WordPress Multisite? – https://youtu.be/AS-uz2L-gzw

Suggested reading:
1. How to Set Up WooCommerce Flat Rate Shipping in Easy Steps- https://learnwoo.com/set-up-woocommer…
2. How to install WordPress? – https://learnwoo.com/how-to-install-w…
3. 15 Best Code Editors for Mac and Windows to Edit WordPress & WooCommerce PHP, JS & CSS Files – https://learnwoo.com/best-code-editor…
4. How to Find Post ID on your WordPress Site (and why do you need it?) – https://learnwoo.com/easily-find-post…
5. What are WordPress hooks? How do actions and filters help to extend the functionality? – https://learnwoo.com/what-are-wordpre…
6. 5 Helpful WordPress Tips for Beginners – https://learnwoo.com/wordpress-tips-b…
7. What is WordPress Multisite and how to set it up with WooCommerce? (with Video) – https://learnwoo.com/wordpress-multi-…
8. WordPress Troubleshooting – Guide to basic WordPress problems and their solutions – https://learnwoo.com/wordpress-troubl…. Best WooCommerce Multi Vendor Booking Plugins – https://learnwoo.com/best-woocommerce…

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