In this 1 hour HTML tutorial I show you all you need to know to learn HTML. In this full HTML tutorial you’ll learn the following topics:
– Headings in HTML
– Paragraphs in HTML
– lists in HTML
– links in HTML
– links in HTML
– images in HTML
– tables in HTML
– forms in HTML
– semantic tags in HTML5
– HTML boilerplate
– HTML meta tags
– HTML head tag
– HTML body tag
– HTML Doctype declaration
This full HTML course will help you become a web developer and will begin your journey in web development and software engineering. In this coding tutorial you’ll learn all you need to know about HTML and HTML 5. We’ll cover basic, beginner HTML topics up to advanced HTML topics in this 1 hour tutorial. If you want to learn to code, then this tutorial is for you.
You’ll learn basic HTML markup to render text properly including block level elements all the way up to different input types and where to go for additional resources. I’ll show you how to use the MDN Mozilla developer network site to look up additional documentation on specific HTML tags you may come across along the way.
After the beginner to advanced HTML tutorial is over you’ll know all you need to start building websites using HTML. You can then take your foundation of HTML programming skills and move to more advanced web development! If you’re ready to dive into HTML then this is the course for you!
This 1 hour html crash course is all you need to get started! If you are looking for a way into software engineering or hope to someday become a web developer, software engineer, or other type of programmer this is a good place to start!
Not only will you learn HTML but I’ll give you tips and tricks to make your use of Visual Studio Code (VS Code (“Code”)) much more efficient as you code your HTML web pages.