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Learn to double your income as a web designer:
This is 5 Example Niches That Make Big Money!
This video shares the most effective way to to choose a web design niche to establish yourself as an expert. In this video I walk you through different examples of niches and agencies in those niches that are killing it!
Watch these other useful videos:
🎥 How I Landed My Last 10 Clients 🎥
🎥 Start A Web Design Business (Like Mine) From Home 🎥
🔥Learn and Sell SEO Services🔥
0:00 Intro
0:21 How To Choose a Niche as a Web Designer
3:45 Niching Down With a Skill
5:04 Niching Down By Industry
6:23 Niching Down With a Combo of Skills
7:56 Niching Down With Influence
9:07 Niching Down By Location
⚠️⚠️⚠️ #5ExampleNichesThatMakeBigMoney #webdesignniche ⚠️⚠️⚠️