In this weeks video I look at photographer websites and some basic do’s and don’ts. Although the website is not as important as it once was in a pre instagram world, it does have some real benefits. However, a bad website can do more harm than good.
If you want to join our community, I have a facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893064874281393/requests/?hoist_pending_member_ids_suggested_order=100014388315474%2C780415149¬if_id=1586582615448631¬if_t=group_r2j
as well as an instagram page group as well as an instagram page https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/
In my bag I have;
Canon 90mm TS-E lens https://amzn.to/2YBUPxh
Canon 45mm TS-E Lens https://amzn.to/33iZwel
Carl Zeiss 100mm Makro Plannar Milvus f/2 https://www.wexphotovideo.com/zeiss-1…
Sigma Art 50mm f/1.4 https://amzn.to/2N0yi6D
Sigma Art 35mm f/1.4 https://amzn.to/2M99No6