With online portfolios still being as important as ever to get work, I’ve handpicked 5 Squarespace templates that do justice to great photography. Full article with demo links and screenshots: https://onepagelove.com/photography-portfolio-with-squarespace
## 10% Off Coupon: OPL10 ##
Squarespace has been kind enough to give One Page Love readers the exclusive coupon OPL10 for 10% Off your first website or domain purchase. (There is a free 14-day trial with no credit card needed, so you can try risk free.)
Social media platforms have become great tools to network as a photographer.
Unfortunately in 2018 we now battle algorithms to get exposure. This has forced us into a quantity over quality game, often resulting in a pieced-together (miss)representation of our work.
Each portfolio in the article is perfect to link to from your social media profiles and will help showcase your best work – on your own website.
Review by Rob Hope
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