In this video tutorial, you will learn yow to create table in html. Table tag, in html is used to create table in html. For each row of table tr tag is used. Inside tr tag for each cell td tag is used to insert data in table. In first row of table th tag is used for table headings. We can customised table with several table attributes. We can add border to table with border attribute. bgcolor attribute is used to set background color. We can also align table left, right, center with align attribute. We can also add cell spacing and cell padding with cellspacing and cellpadding attribute. Table data can also be aligned left, center and in right side with align attribute in tr or td tag.
#html_table #html_tutorial_in_hindi
Html Introduction in Hindi | Part-1
html heading Tags | Html formatting Tags | Hr tag | Part-II
How to create hyperlink in html | Part-III
How to insert image in Html | Part-IV
How to create table in html | Part-V