How to Create a Table of Content in WordPress Posts and Pages

Do you want to add a Wikipedia style table of contents to some of your longer articles? Tables of contents make it easy to jump to a specific section that they want to read. In this video, we will show you how to create a table of contents in WordPress posts and pages without HTML or CSS.

For this tutorial we will be using the Easy Table of Contents plugin found here:

Easy Table of Contents

With the plugin activated you will want to go under Settings, Table of Contents to view the pluginโ€™s settings. You have options for the position, label, and what type of content the table will appear on and have in it.

With the plugin active and set up, there will now be a table of contents section where you can manage the table of contents for that specific post. Once you write an article with the required headings for the plugin to see your table of contents on the published page.

The table of contents will pull from the headers you allowed and will place them in a box at the top of your content. When a user clicks on one of the links they will be brought to the specific section on the page where they can begin reading.

Text version of this tutorial

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