Most web developer roadmaps cover things that you might be learning over the next several years, which can seem overwhelming when you’re just learning the very basics of HTML, so this video is here for people who’re just starting off, or who are thinking about getting into web development.
🔗 Links
✅ My video on the essential HTML elements for beginners: https://youtu.be/K_EVuLegRZ0
✅ The roadmap I showed at the start: https://roadmap.sh/frontend
✅ Adrian’s video on getting VS Code on your phone or tablet: https://youtu.be/UFxVvrrufsA
✅ ICodeThis: https://icodethis.com/?ref=kevin
✅ Frontend Mentor: https://www.frontendmentor.io/
Disclaimer: Some of the links above might be affiliate links, which means that I’ll receive a commission in case you like and decide to purchase the product or service. This comes at no extra cost for you, and helps support my channel 😊
⌚ Timestamps
00:00 – Introduction
00:16 – Who this video is for
00:37 – A computer/laptop will make your life easier
01:22 – Browsers
01:42 – Code Editor
02:49 – The languages of the web
06:19 – Don’t try to design and code at the same time
07:43 – You’re making more progress than you realize
09:36 – Practice a lot
11:00 – Note taking
11:52 – Ask questions
14:35 – Don’t rush it
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My editor: VS Code – https://code.visualstudio.com/
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And whatever you do, don’t forget to keep on making your corner of the internet just a little bit more awesome!