Welcome to a cool and easy web design tutorial on the affinity designer iPad!
We are going to go through a step by step process to create a cool landing page using some interesting features that affinity designer has. It is very simple to do and you can follow along as well. By the end of this tutorial you will have a basic idea of how to create web designs on your iPad with the help of affinity designer.
Deerbrush Website: http://deerbrushart.com/
Songs in this video:
Saib – Beyond Clouds https://chll.to/d3845915
Aarigod – Golden https://chll.to/f92fe8ab
Blue Wednesday, Shopan – Home Court https://chll.to/5bf09ab2
Aarigod – Kinsfolk https://chll.to/6f2eed45
Philanthrope, B-Side, Yasper – Last Snow https://chll.to/4f6d4bba
Philanthrope, Brock Berrigan, The Field Tapes – Willow https://chll.to/a58ec48c