Amazon affiliate marketing step-by-step tutorial for beginners.
My channel is on tutorials related to art and web development.
This video is about an Affiliate Marketing Website using the Wix platform with Step by Step instructions.
I will explain how to edit the header, change the images in a template and add links to the blog template where the Amazon affiliate products will be entered through a blog management section.
Work in Progress My Affiliate site is https://kidzonlinetoys.com
My Medium Article How To Step by Step https://marcmancuso.medium.com/how-to-build-an-amazon-affiliate-website-with-wix-platform-44ca09159d35
Time Stamps:
0:00 intro
0:57 KidsOnlineToys Template
1:03 Editing the Logo
1:25 Editing the Main Header Links
4:15 Changing the background Image
12:17 Change Categories
14:27 Authors Name is Domain Name i.e KidsOnlineToys
17:00 Change Blog Layout
20:37 Mobile View
24:08 Adding Amazon Affiliate Code Links
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