Amazon SEO has released a new Search Query report that gives you the ability to analyze keyword market share. This game-changing data set is now being used by My Amazon Guy for our newest release of Amazon SEO Phase 4. Amazon keywords.
Watch Steven Pope Give a 70 Min Master Class on SEO
00:00 Amazon SEO [Complete 2022 Guide]
00:21 Phase 2 Pink Word update no longer exists
01:40 MAG SEO Course
02:23 How Amazon SEO Phases work
08:39 Amazon Brand Story
09:11 SEO is NOT set it and forget it
21:39 SEO Phase 1 is all about INDEXING
21:58 Search Term Field uses 250 BYTES and NOT CHARACTERS
27:57 MAG Free Product Review
33:34 SEO Phase 2 Pink Keyword Update does incremental ranking
48:34 You need to have 50 Keywords that are ranked 20 to 50
48:56 SEO Phase 3 focuses on organic rank 20 to 50
52:25 You can never have 2 variations show up in a search on the same keyword
53:33 Having the same keyword repeatedly is a good idea during SEO Phase 3 ONLY
54:57 Product Opportunity Explorer and Growth Opportunities
55:58 It’s 10 times easier to double your traffic than double your conversion rate
57:39 Amazon Search Terms report
57:50 You will need Helium 10 for all these SEO phases
58:01 The New SEO Phase 4 – Market Share
58:19 You now have the ability to rank based on intent
SEO Phase 2 has also been changed. Amazon decommissioned the Brand Analytics tool that showed Pink Words.
Summary: Phase 4 SEO takes our strike zone keyword strategy (phase 3) to the next level, with Amazon’s new search query tool. Our strike zone strategy currently reviews well-indexed products with 800+ organically ranked keywords currently reflected, in which we take organically ranked keywords from 20-50 and utilize them in order to get these specific keywords to rank 1-19. The Phase 4 SEO Query phase also is for mature listings with 800+ indexed keywords, but in this phase, we will be utilizing Amazon’s real-time data in order to make determinations of top keywords for the overall brand or category.
Where is it Used:
Holiday preparation and historical brand analysis
The Why: You must index before you get market share. This phase encompasses mature listings, and then will allow you to utilize the top market share data to continually optimize the listings with well-converting and placed keyword data, and allows you to view this data on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
The How:
This phase should be used in conjunction with our Phase 3 strategy. This phase does not replace the phase 3 strategy, but rather supplements and compliments it, especially in terms of finding historical data based on months of the year, to know both what to target against in a specific month (holidays take note here) for SEO and for a PPC strategy.
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