🌟🌟Get your 30-days free trial to the apps listed in the video🌟🌟
Weebly: https://fave.co/2LFGpae
Squarespace: https://fave.co/3jEXb5P
Zyro: https://fave.co/3k1QNqJ
PodcastPage is the best website builder for podcasts in 2022.
Website builders can be confusing, but I’m here to help you make a decision on which one will work best for your needs. In this video I’ll walk you through three of the top contenders: PodcastPage vs Squarespace vs Wix.
Find the Best Website Builder for your podcast:
Compare & analyze multiple software options all at once with 9to5Software!
1:05 PodcastPage.io
2:15 Squarespace
3:33 Wix