While the tools & WordPress plugins required to create a travel blog (or any blog for that matter) are more accessible than they’ve ever been, it’s still prudent to set it up on a sound foundation, especially if you want it to grow to the point where it is viewed as a business down the line.
The plugins from this list will help you have a solid travel blog that will be easier to manage. So, what are the best WordPress plugins that you will need for your travel blog?
You can learn more about how to start a travel blog:
How to Start a Travel Blog: In-Depth Guide With Plenty of Useful Recommendations
and find more plugins with their description on https://unitconversion.io/blog/best-travel-blogger-wp-plugins/
Here are the links for the plugins mentioned in the video:
#1 Google Maps Widget: https://www.gmapswidget.com/
#2: Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode: http://comingsoonwp.com/
#3 If-So Dynamic Content: https://appsumo.8odi.net/3PegOv
#4 WP Sticky: https://wpsticky.com/
#5 The Events Calendar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/
#6 WP Reset: http://wpreset.com/
#7 AddtoAny Share Buttons: https://wordpress.org/plugins/add-to-any/