Build A Responsive Real Estate Website using HTML CSS and JavaScript Responsive Real Estate Website HTML CSS and JavaScript, Fully Responsive website
TimeStamp 🧭
00:00 Intro
07:46 Project Setup
08:32 Navbar Section
17:41 Home Section
21:32 Find Section
26:16 Types/Services section
36:08 Navbar Scroll
38:50 About Section
44:36 Property list Section
54:28 Contact Section
58:25 Contact agents Section
01:06:52 Footer Section
01:19:02 ScrollReveal Animation
01:25:28 Make Website Responsive
01:28:57 Navbar Toggle / Responsive navbar
01:35:42 Make Remaining Website Responsive
Create an Engaging Real Estate Landing Page | HTML, CSS & JS Tutorial with ScrollReveal Animations! Join us as we guide you through designing a captivating Real Estate landing page from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Learn how to implement stunning ScrollReveal animations to enhance user experience. Perfect for web development enthusiasts, Real Estate instructors, and anyone eager to master the art of designing interactive web pages. Watch now to elevate your skills and create an inviting online presence for your Real Estate
Please make sure you watch this video till the end.😊😊
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Real Estate landing page
HTML CSS JavaScript tutorial
Web development tutorial
ScrollReveal animations
Real Estate website design
Real Estate website
Real Estate webpage coding
Interactive web design
Coding animations
Real Estate website development
Real Estate web UI/UX
Front-end development
Web design tutorial
Real Estate website layout
CSS animations
Real Estate website coding
Scroll effects tutorial
Real Estate online presence
Webpage design walkthrough
Coding for beginners
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