Master modern web development by building a responsive React JS application consisting of a stunning hero section, high-quality assets and gradients, business stats, reusable feature sections with call-to-action buttons, testimonials, and more!
⭐ Hostinger – http://hostinger.com/javascriptmastery
📙 Get the ultimate free resources, guides, and eBooks: https://www.jsmastery.pro/resources
Showcase your dev skills with practical experience and land the coding career of your dreams:
💻 JS Mastery Pro – https://jsmastery.pro/youtube
✅ A unique YOUTUBE discount code is automatically applied!
📚 Materials/References:
GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐): https://github.com/adrianhajdin/project_hoobank
Figma Design: https://www.figma.com/file/bUGIPys15E78w9bs1l4tgS/HooBank?node-id=310%3A485
GitHub Gist Code Snippets: https://gist.github.com/adrianhajdin/8a04faf5e52419ec93cd5329ffcb011e
Assets: https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/adrianhajdin/project_hoobank/tree/main/src/assets
Filmpire course – https://www.jsmastery.pro/ultimate-react-course?discount=youtube
🎨 Design by: https://www.oneweekwonders.com | https://dribbble.com/OWWStudio
In this course, you’ll learn:
– React functional components and their reusability
– React file and folder structure
– You’ll achieve mastery using Tailwind CSS
– Fundamental CSS properties to master flex
– From soft and pleasant animations to complex gradients
– Perfectly placed media queries for satisfactory responsiveness on all devices
– And at the end, you’ll learn how to deploy your websites to extremely fast servers and give them a custom domain name using Hostinger
💻 Join JSM on Discord – https://discord.gg/n6EdbFJ
🐦 Follow JSM on Twitter – https://twitter.com/jsmasterypro
🖼️ Follow JSM Instagram – https://instagram.com/javascriptmastery
💼 Business Inquiries: contact@jsmastery.pro
👇 Time Stamps
00:00:00 Intro & Setup
00:16:00 Structure & Layout
00:30:53 Navbar
00:44:23 Hero Section
01:07:24 Stats
01:12:36 Business section
01:27:15 Billing section
01:35:34 Card Deal
01:40:41 Testimonials
01:55:28 CTA Section
01:59:18 Footer
02:12:11 Deployment