GoDaddy’s website builder makes it easy to get your website online today. Create and publish your site with any device using our free website templates. Get all the details at https://in.godaddy.com/websites/website-builder.
It couldn’t be easier to get your website up and running than with GoDaddy Website Builder.
It’s so easy you can create and publish your site on your phone! No desktop or laptop device required.
Once you’ve picked your plan, just answer two simple questions:
What’s your site about? And what do you want to call it?
Based on your answers, Website Builder will suggest a website design for you. Not sure you like it? No problem! Select, “Theme” from the right-hand menu and there will be a host of other options for you to choose from! Don’t forget that you can change the colors and fonts of your chosen theme so it looks just right!
You can also add and remove pages…
And change your section headers in a snap.
Pictures? Add your own photos, or choose from the large gallery of stock photos included with Website Builder. Add a calendar, a menu, a price list … well, you get it. Whatever it takes to make your site your own.
Website Builder gets the importance of social too, offering built-in buttons to link your site to all the popular social sites. It will even automatically create a Facebook page for you or update the one you have.
Website Builder also optimizes your site for the top search engines so people can find you faster.
And, it uses your site’s design to automatically create marketing emails so you can stay in touch with your customers.
Website Builder business and ecommerce websites come with an SSL certificate. SSL technology encrypts the data that flows between your web server and your customers’ browsers, securing sensitive data and your customers’ trust in you.
With Website Builder you don’t pay for a bunch of features you don’t need. A choice of plans, from a simple personal page to a full-fledged ecommerce site, lets you decide.
Find all the details at in.GoDaddy.com