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Building a client dashboard in Wix can seem like a daunting task, but I promise that Wix Code has made life so much easier for website owner’s like yourself. Wix Code tutorials have seemed to play a helpful role in further educating my Wix community about the platform, so I will continue to provide exceptional Wix Code tutorials. Now, building a client dashboard in your website is actually made much more simple using databases, custom user input forms and dynamic pages. It is very similar to creating a member profile page in Wix, although in this case the admin will likely upload all of the content rather than the member.
In addition, I did not want to cut the material toward the end when I ran into issues in previewing the dynamic page, because I wanted to show you we are all human. Also, I wanted to show you how to work through some of those issues if you do end up experiencing them.
I hope you enjoy this Wix Code tutorial on building a client dashboard for your Wix website.
Wix Certified Trainer- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/wix-certified-trainer
Topics Covered:
-Weekly Wix Tips Email List
-Wix My Website New Design
-Building A Client Database in Wix
-Using Wix Code
-Signing Up For Weekly Wix Tips and Forum
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Wix My Website Series:
This Wix series will have multiple Wix tutorials uploaded EVERY WEEK of 2018! Email me for any Wix troubles you may have.