I’m super geeked to kick off work on my website builder 😎
Sprint 1’s goal is to get my project set up so I’m ready to code some features. At the end of this sprint, I should be able to load `localhost:3000` and see the appropriate header and footer based on my user details.
For me, it’s easiest to visualize logic with decision trees. Something about taking the time to draw each decision out makes me think of new edge cases to consider 🌳
When I load `localhost:3000` at the end of the sprint, my frontend will check for an access token stored in a cookie. If it exists, a request will be made to the backend for the user’s details. If user details are returned, the user’s profile photo will be visible in the header and a temporary div will be shown with the user’s name. If there’s no token or the token is invalid, the header will not show a profile photo and the temporary div will say that no user is logged in ✅
Having this workflow defined, helps me chart out my development work. I know that I need an API that is connected to a database where a user exists, a `login` route to verify user details and create an access token, a protected `user-details` route and middleware to validate access tokens, and a UI with a header and footer.
Oh…and if you saw my poll last week, I decided to go with Go for my website builder’s backend! I’m by no means an expert in Go, so it should be a really valuable learning experience for me.
What do you think?! 🤔
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