If you want to build a website, there’s two main things you need to focus on:
1. Getting a domain name.
2. Getting a hosting service.
But aren’t those the same thing? Not at all.
If you imagine your website like an office or a shop, your domain name would be the address, and the hosting service would be like the doorway that allows anyone to enter through.
Your website’s address is registered in a server dedicated to hosting websites.
Servers are like computers, you rent space in them for your website.
That hosting service then provides access to websites around the world 🌐
So, to clarify:
1. Domain name is the website address.
2. Hosting service is the location where your website exists, and it allows anybody in the world to type in that address and visit your website anytime.
We’ll be going into more detail on how to build your website in the next video!
If you have any questions leave them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them 👇