Design & Code Vlog (Episode #2) | Today, I will be building illustrator and animator, MySweetChubs’s, art portfolio website.
From moodboarding, to Figma wireframing, and finally to code, follow along as we use her illustrations as inspiration.
(EDIT 8/31/21 – The website is down temporarily, but will be up shortly! For now, visit this link! https://bit.ly/3DxrFQM)
Learn more about how and why I became a front-end software engineer and designer as you design and code with me! Don’t forget to watch till the end to see the final results!
Like, comment, and subscribe if you want to see more design to code tutorial vlogs.
Check out @MysweetChub’s website here & follow/support her art!
↳ art portfolio website: https://bit.ly/3DxrFQM
↳ mysweetchubs instagram: https://bit.ly/mysweetchubs-instagram
↳ mysweetchubs etsy shop: https://bit.ly/mysweetchub-shop
Check out Taskade’s Ultimate Design System Checklist to start moodboarding and designing:
↳ https://bit.ly/ultimate-design-system-checklist
Follow me on Instagram to stay updated on my content & to get to know me more!
↳ https://instagram.com/maisyleigh/
Keyboard used in this video:
IQUNIX F96 KAT Wireless Mechanical Keyboard
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┄┄┄ Timestamps ┄┄┄
0:00 Intro
0:30 Brainstorming & Collaboration
1:54 Ultimate Design System Checklist (https://bit.ly/ultimate-design-system-checklist)
2:40 Moodboarding (Figma, Taskade, Calligraphr)
4:15 Wireframing Website Design (Figma, GoodNotes)
5:45 My Design Principles (https://bit.ly/maisyleigh-design-process)
6:29 How & Why I Became A Frontend Engineer & Designer
7:58 MySweetChubs Art Portfolio Website Reveal (https://bit.ly/mysweetchubs)
8:52 Animated End Credits
┄┄┄ Other Videos of Mine You’ll Also Enjoy! ┄┄┄
Design & Code With Me Ep. 1 — Building My Personal Website: https://youtu.be/EChf62QkPq4
What’s On My iPhone (featuring my custom designed wallpapers & app icons): https://youtu.be/Fv7qq8im8yg
My Process for App Design, Ideation, & Getting Inspired: https://youtu.be/gcDHtGdZoQ0
Work From Home Office & Desk Setup: https://youtu.be/4yunTZRfd-o
┄┄┄ Download My Used VS Code Themes ┄┄┄
Pastel Night Theme: https://bit.ly/vscode-pastel-night-theme
Stardew Valley Icon Kit I Use: https://bit.ly/vscode-stardew-icon-theme
┄┄┄ Previous Video Collaborations with @MySweetChubs ┄┄┄
Building MySweetChubs’ Chubby Orange Portable Speaker (From Illustration, 3D printing, to Painting): https://youtu.be/zvL0J0eIzfQ
┄┄┄ Shop my desk setup & tech gear here ┄┄┄
↳ https://bit.ly/maisyleighgear
┄┄┄ Purchase my app icons, digital planners & digital wallpaper sets here ┄┄┄
↳ https://bit.ly/maisyleighshop
┄┄┄ Follow For More Content ┄┄┄
My Instagram: https://instagram.com/maisyleigh/
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/maisyleigh_
My TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@maisyleighs
My Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/maisyleigh
My Github: https://github.com/maisyleigh
: maisyleighproductions@gmail.com
┄┄┄ Music Featured ┄┄┄
↳ Lofi Lia // Knuckles’ Chaotix – Door Into Summer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0cZLur96jQ)
↳ Lofi Lia // On The Beach (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR3HRlGWcZw)
┄┄┄ About Maisy Leigh ┄┄┄
Hi! I’m Maisy, and I’m sharing my story of how I live a cozy lifestyle, find peace, and create new things. I’m a visionary, frontend engineer and designer – and I love ideating solutions that facilitate people’s everyday lives, sketching them out and bringing them to life.
I’ve embarked my content creating journey to share my story, as I navigate life. I love being able to share my creativity through this platform.
I love composing my own songs on the piano, gardening, playing video games, drinking matcha and coffee, archery, hiking, interior designing, ideating & wire framing app ideas, graphic design, and engineering.
┄┄┄ Copyright 2021. MAISYLEIGH © All rights reserved. ┄┄┄
#Design&CodeVlog #SoftwareEngineer #Designer #PersonalWebsite #UXDesigner #WebDevelopment #WebDesign #CodingVlog #DesigningVlog