Hey there, coding enthusiasts! In today’s video, join me on a journey as I unveil the website I envisioned during the lockdown. It took nearly 2 years to bring it to life, incorporating all the functionalities I dreamed of. From concept to code, we’ll explore the ins and outs of this passion project.
Explore the Code:
Curious to peek behind the scenes? Dive into the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/divijshrivastava/portfolio .
Feel free to tinker, contribute, and learn from the codebase.
Visit the Website:
Experience the magic firsthand by visiting the live website: https://divij.tech. Navigate through the features, design, and user experience that make this project special.
What’s Inside:
In this video, I’ll walk you through the key functionalities, design choices, and the technical stack that powers my website. From Java to Angular, and beyond, we’ll unravel the layers of code that bring it all together.
Thanks for Being a Part of the Journey:
Your support means the world to me! Whether you’re a fellow coder, a web enthusiast, or just curious about the process, thank you for watching and sharing in this moment.
#Coding #Java #Angular #GitHub #MySQL #100DaysOfCode #WebDevelopment #PassionProject #CodeJourney
Connect with Me:
Let’s continue this conversation! Connect with me on Twitter [Your Twitter Handle] for more coding adventures, updates, and discussions.
Don’t Miss Out:
If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell. Stay tuned for more coding insights, tutorials, and project showcases.
See you in the next one! Happy coding!
#coding #java #angular #github #mysql #100daysofcode