Let’s explore the Cleaning Services template from Wix.com. Learn Web design along the way, from a Wix Certified Trainer.
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Description of the template from Wix:
Help your business stand out with a smart template with useful features and cool animations. Users can seamlessly navigate the site using the frozen header, and a conveniently anchored bookings button lets your clients easily book your services from anywhere on the site.
Good for Window Washers, Cleaning Companies, and Professional Service Providers.
Partial Transcript:
Hello everybody, welcome to the Webmaster Academy, I’m Michael Wood and I am the owner of Captivatim Multimedia and Web Design. Today I’m going to be talking about the professional cleaning services, or, window cleaning template from Wix.com The official title is window cleaning, but this template really applies to anyone who has any kind of cleaning services, even carpet cleaning, or really, let’s take it a step further, any professional service would be great for this template. It really features some good Wix booking interactions and it also has some very interesting but subtle animations. So if you want to check out this template, stay tuned everybody. Let’s get started…
Let’s go into the Wix template called window-cleaning
This is good for any cleaning service. The first thing I will do is, we will go through the website, kind of a guided tour. Let’s see its functionality and then we are going to go under the hood and check out how to customize the website for your own business or service. Remember that is the whole point of a
template, right? To make it your own. Just get some great ideas.
So let’s get into the website. I’m actually going to refresh the page and you can see this is a wonderful intro here so what you have is a full-screen, edge-to-edge video of someone cleaning the window. So this would be great for you, you know, cleaning whatever it is you clean, and you can see them cleaning it right there on the homepage. I think that’s a great idea. It’s a great way to show your professional service right up front and center. And that’s really getting something clean, because at the end of the day, that’s really what people want to hire you for, is to clean something right? And you’re the professional, so
show your stuff right there on the homepage. You also notice that it has two colors here; the blue and then the transparent. We’ll go under the hood later and I’ll show you how you can customize that. It’s got a little button right here
in the middle and that tells people that they can scroll down.
It also has a “book now” button over here on the left and that’s anchored in. As I highlight, you see the button changes colors. That’s an anchor, and as we move through the website, they’ll always be able to click on the “book now” button. Up at the top
left would be your logo or company name. Then a very simple navigation menu on the top with a phone number right there in the top right. Let’s go ahead and do is scroll down.
Now when I go to scroll, I want you to notice the subtle animations that take place. Alright, see? So it’s got the “about us” Hopefully you saw that square just kind of fade in from the left, and really it’s subtle, but it draws attention and the better you can guide your user through your website, then the more likely they’ll take action. In this case, the
action would be to read more about your company.
I scroll down and you see the “what we do” title scrolls right across to the left. There’s also four major services. So think about all the services you provide and come up with the top four things. Even if you do 20 or 30 different services, come up with the top 4 or categorize everything into four categories. In this case, they have categories called Residential, Commercial, Power Washing, and Solar Panel Cleaning. All they need to do is “Book Now” if they’re interested. There’s that action button, so you see you will see that the “book now” button is in multiple places on the website. It’s got a testimonial section. You could see the animations there. I can click on this right arrow and I could scroll through the different testimonials.
That’s what’s called “parallax scrolling” As you see, the office here and or meeting place being revealed. It says
“request a free estimate”. And you can go ahead and let them know, maybe it’s a special that you’re having. Right here they can take action. Your social media icons or right below that. On the footer, they have the phone number, operating hours, your address or business address, and then a little motto: “spotless window cleaners” Then a caption down at the very bottom of the footer. So that is the home page.
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