Today we will design a Complete Website UI Kit Design + Prototype In Adobe XD | Advance Tutorial.
▶ Complete design available on Behance: https://bit.ly/3kcMmZl
▶ What is UI Design?
The “UI” in UI design stands for “user interface.” The user interface is the graphical layout of an application. It consists of the buttons users click on, the text they read, the images, sliders, text entry fields, and all the rest of the items the user interacts with. This includes screen layout, transitions, interface animations and every single micro-interaction. Any sort of visual element, interaction, or animation must all be designed.
This job falls to UI designers. They decide what the application is going to look like. They have to choose color schemes and button shapes — the width of lines and the fonts used for text. UI designers create the look and feel of an application’s user interface.
UI designers are graphic designers. They’re concerned with aesthetics. It’s up to them to make sure the application’s interface is attractive, visually-stimulating and themed appropriately to match the purpose and/or personality of the app. And they need to make sure every single visual element feels united, both aesthetically, and in purpose.
▶ What is UX Design?
“UX” stands for “user experience.” A user’s experience of the app is determined by how they interact with it. Is the experience smooth and intuitive or clunky and confusing? Does navigating the app feel logical or does it feel arbitrary? Does interacting with the app give people the sense that they’re efficiently accomplishing the tasks they set out to achieve or does it feel like a struggle? User experience is determined by how easy or difficult it is to interact with the user interface elements that the UI designers have created.
So UX designers are also concerned with an application’s user interface, and this is why people get confused about the difference between the two. But whereas UI designers are tasked with deciding how the user interface will look, UX designers are in charge of determining how the user interface operates.
▶ UI vs. UX: Two Very Different Disciplines that Work in Harmony
UI design and UX design involve very different skill sets, but they are integral to each other’s success. A beautiful design can’t save an interface that’s clunky and confusing to navigate, and a brilliant, perfectly-appropriate user experience can be sunk by bad visual interface design that makes using the app unpleasant. Both UI and UX designs need to be flawlessly executed and perfectly aligned with pre-existing user expectations to create an excellent user interface/experience. And when those stars align the results can be astounding.
▶ TimeStamp.
00:00 Intro
00:08 Web Preview
01:46 Menu Bar Design
05:48 Home Page Design
12:13 What Do You Want
17:26 Featured Apartments
33:23 Apartment Plans
42:10 Buy Dream
48:11 Featured Listing
58:09 Frequently Asked Questions
1:04:13 Contact Us
1:08:12 Footer Menu
1:16:30 Term & Condition
1:21:38 Privacy Policy
1:22:58 Signup Screen Design
1:28:35 Login Screen Design
1:31:02 Prototyping
▶Topic Cover:
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web design
UI design tutorial
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website UI design
website UI design tutorial
website UI
complete website UI design
UX UI design
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▶ Follow us on Behance: https://www.behance.net/grapicocean
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▶ Disclaimer: All the pictures shown in the video, belong to their respective owners. All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. No infringement intended. Credits to the rightful owner ✔
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Track: Yusuf Alev – Yoros
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/Ar50xVQ08Qw
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/yoros
#uidesigns #adobexd #protip #uiux #xdanimation #grapicocean