This video provides a complete walk-through of building a site from scratch using Oxygen. It is meant for people considering Oxygen to see the process and what is involved.
The text version with all of the links is available on the WebTNG website: https://www.webtng.com/creating-a-website-with-oxygen/
Video table of contents
0:02 Introduction
1:13 Overview of Oxygen
2:25 General new website tasks
5:10 Installing Oxygen and pre-editor tour and tasks
9:50 Creating the Base Template, setting global styles, and tour of the Oxygen editor
37:00 Adding Code Snippets for Login / Logout menu and sidebar, etc
42:00 Creating the Post Single Template with sidebar
56:00 Creating the Post Archive Template
1:01:00 Cleanup, fixes, and styling
1:08:22 Creating a Page Template
1:12:25 Final testing and fixes
1:15:12 Acknowledgements and final remarks