#tutorjoes #tamil #tjfamily #tutorjoes #TJHTML #tjcss
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00:00:00 CSS Introduction
00:02:08 What is CSS ?
00:03:47 Structure of CSS
00:05:11 How use link CSS rules in Website
00:05:52 Inline Style in CSS
00:08:45 Internal Style in CSS
00:10:59 External Style in CSS
00:13:32 Font Properties in CSS
00:22:07 Background Properties in CSS
00:30:17 Background-size in CSS
00:33:27 Background-attachment in CSS
00:35:58 Background-origin in CSS
00:38:57 Background-clip in CSS
00:41:07 Gradient Colors in CSS
00:52:35 Background-blend in CSS
00:56:12 Opacity in CSS
00:58:29 Text Properties in CSS
01:03:33 List Properties in CSS
01:06:46 How to resize list style image in CSS ?
01:09:13 More about list style in css
01:14:03 Margin Properties in CSS
01:21:05 Padding Properties in CSS
01:25:10 Border Properties in CSS
01:30:12 Comments in CSS
01:32:11 Class and ID in CSS
01:36:27 Display Property in CSS
01:42:36 Table Styling and Display:table Property in CSS
02:04:40 Parent and Child in CSS
02:09:45 Style Preference in CSS
02:15:12 Grouping Multiple CSS Selectors
02:18:26 More about CSS Selectors
02:27:29 Pseudo Class in CSS Anchor Tag
02:31:34 Access Child Items in CSS
02:34:05 Border Radius in CSS
02:36:01 Colors in CSS
02:40:19 Box Shadow in CSS
02:43:21 Chess Board in CSS
02:51:42 Box Model in CSS
03:01:45 Position Properties in CSS
03:08:59 Static Position in CSS
03:09:46 Relative Position in CSS
03:11:12 Absolute Position in CSS
03:13:52 Fixed Position in CSS
03:15:45 Sticky Position in CSS
03:23:53 z-index in CSS
03:29:38 Opacity in CSS
03:31:59 Outline in CSS
03:35:10 min-height & max-height in CSS
03:39:33 min-width & max-width in CSS
03:43:21 Box-Sizing in CSS
03:51:49 Overflow in CSS
03:56:29 Column in CSS
04:00:24 css units px % rem em vh vw vmax vmin
05:41:40 Transition in CSS
05:54:47 What is Flex Box ?
06:32:15 Simple Navigation Bar using Flex box in CSS
06:42:39 Simple Skew Navigation Bar in CSS
06:58:20 Simple Loader in CSS
07:09:21 Responsive Navigation Bar in CSS
07:26:39 Table Styling using CSS
07:36:30 Animated Side Navigation Bar in CSS
07:58:20 Custom Search TextBox in CSS
08:07:18 Fixed Side Navigation in CSS
08:15:11 Animated Background Using HTML CSS
08:25:28 Gradient Animated Text using HTML CSS
08:34:08 Simple and Stylish Spinner in HTML CSS
08:38:47 Invalid and Valid Properties in HTML CSS
08:46:57 Neon Light Animation in HTML CSS
08:54:12 Search TextBox Design in HTML CSS
09:11:39 Gmail like Form Design in HTML CSS
09:36:26 Custom Select Text Color in Website HTML CSS
09:40:12 Simple Animated button in HTML CSS
09:49:37 Text Stoke Animation in HTML CSS
09:59:36 Fog Animation Effect HTML CSS
10:12:47 Typing Text Animation in HTML CSS
10:18:58 Custom checkbox using HTML CSS