👉 Get the complete portfolio handbook here: https://bit.ly/3UeTCp4
You know you need a new portfolio, but you’re procrastinating.
That’s because there are so many tough questions –
– What tools to use?
– What should be in the hero?
– How do I present my work?
Today – I’m going to break these down for you, step by step, so that you can finally take action, launch your new portfolio, and win some amazing new clients.
1. Tools
Webflow https://webflow.com/templates/tag/portfolio-websites
Carbonmade https://carbonmade.com/
Semplice https://www.semplice.com/
2. What should be in the hero?
* Who’s website is this?
* What can you do for me?
* Ideally good image of you
* Call to action
* First impression – Look good! (image, graphic design)
3. How to present you work
* Never ever just screenshots
* Show in context
* Clearly state what you did
* Don’t write too much – people want images
* Process is great, but not too much
* You don’t need too much – less but better
* Self initiated project are ok, just state
Remember – graphic design is important, so if you’re not strong, use a template
00:00 – Intro
00:19 – Where we’ll start
01:01 – What tools to use
03:57 – What should be in the hero section
08:47 – How to present your work
11:03 – Case study structure
14:13 – Your portfolio is like your business card
HEY 🙋🏻 You don’t have to do it on your own!
Join a community led by top web design coaches: https://bit.ly/3CZFtpn
Portfolios reviewed:
📱 Find us on SOCIAL MEDIA
Flux Academy’s Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/flux.academy/
Ran’s Instagram 👉https://www.instagram.com/ransegall/
Thanks for watching our video!
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