DON’T USE BIGCOMMERCE Before Watch THIS VIDEO! eCommerce Website Builder REVIEW
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Hi, today I am going to tell you about one of the popular website builders, BigCommerce, which I have been working with for several years and on which I have made about $ 100,000 a year. This is an incredibly cool site that I use on a daily basis. In this short video, I’ll show you a couple of key features that few people know about that make it truly one of the best in the Best Website Builders category. We don’t waste time and get straight to the point!
BigCommerce is a leading e-commerce platform that is ideal for promoting outside of tools like eBay and Amazon to sell. This allows you to customize your store, add products, and start making real money through your website. However, this is not all. BigCommerce is also a specialist eCommerce website builder.
As an e-commerce focused platform, you have access to everything you need to start selling online. BigCommerce takes care of all the behind-the-scenes coding; you just need to create product lists, choose acceptable payment methods, and set up your sales revenue generation. Everything just works. You can enable multiple payment options by simply selecting them individually and entering the required details. Creating and managing products, customizing categories, viewing your website analysis statistics, managing your website and setting up social media integration are all just a few clicks away.