🤔 Do you want to get rid of the boring WordPress login and signup screen? Then you have landed on a perfect tutorial.
🔥 In this tutorial, we will design an amazing login and signup page for WordPress with Elementor and Ultimate Member plugins.
📝 You can create the login and signup forms with any number of fields with plenty of customization options. You can provide complete user account and profile management to the users at the front end of your website.
📺 Demo Website: https://wpactuts.com/websites/login-signup/login
❤ Support Us by Purchasing The Design Templates Created in this Tutorial: https://buy.paddle.com/product/634211
🛠 Tools & Resources Used in This Tutorial
✅ Elementor ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/
✅ Ultimate Member ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-member/
✅ Header, Footer & Blocks ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/header-footer-elementor/
🛠 Assets and CSS Code
📄 CSS Code: https://git.io/JT4tY
📦 Background Images: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g6vtqGR66Wf1Fsj5SxxQH6MH3cZOsFD4/view?usp=sharing
📝 Typography Settings, Colors, and Other Information: https://wpacademy.pk/?p=4663
🙌 Support This Channel by Buying Stuff Below
✅ Elementor Pro: https://wpacademy.pk/go/elementor-pro/
✅ Best WordPress Hosting ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/siteground
✅ Cheap Domain & Hosting ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/nc
✅ Super Fast Managed Cloud Hosting ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/cloudways/
✅ Best Elementor Addons ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/crocoblock
✅ Envato Elements ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/envato-elements
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