Feedburner for WordPress SEE HERE FOR MORE INFO http://a1websitepro.com/2013/03/12/feedburner-for-wordpress/
#wordpress #feedburner #tutorials #webdevelopment #website #xml
Feedburner for WordPress can be a little tricky if you are not familiar with it. Integrating it with WordPress is not that hard and in this video tutorial I show you how to do it all. Some things that you want to make sure of is that you are signed into your Google account while doing the tutorial. The things we address are:
1. Where your original feed is located within your WordPress blog. For example the feed located here at A1WebsitePro.com is located http://a1websitepro.com/feed but you will notice that when you enter that url it will redirect you to a feed-burner url that looks like this. http://feeds.feedburner.com/A1websiteprocom. After watching this tutorial you will know why that happens.
2. Another subject that this feedburner for WordPress tutorial addresses is the plug in that you should use to configure your feedburner. We use the FeedBurner FeedSmith Extend plug in and we show you how to configure it for your feed.
3. In the feedburner for WordPress tutorial we also cover what is highlighted in Yellow in the graphics below. so you can get familiar with what these settings do.
Need help? You can have me do it for you if you do not have the time to complete the steps in this tutorial.
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