Weekly Wix Tips- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/
Add video to your Wix website easily with the HTML 5 drag and drop editor. You can show, hide, or auto-hide the control bar and choose autoplay options or even loops. Wix allows you to customize the design of your video on your website as well.
Video Overview:
-Go to add
-Add Video
-Upload from URL
-Search YouTube
-Customize the Design
Wix Tutorial Playlist- http://bit.ly/1wcTeDP
Have a Wix Tutorial Request?
Email: computermdofgilbert@gmail.com
Stay Connected:
Email: computermdofgilbert@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhizOfComputers
Should I make a ComputerMDofGilbert Wix Website?
Let me know in the comments below
Video Resources:
Camatsia Studio 8