Try Clerk: https://go.clerk.com/J5ucSbS
Try Neon: https://fyi.neon.tech/wds2
Building a SaaS is the ultimate goal of many software developers, but it is not easy. In this video I will show you how to create a clone of the Parity Deals site (which earns well over $1,000,000 per year in revenue. I will also show you best practices for creating large scale SaaS applications so that you can expand these concepts to any SaaS.
GitHub Code: https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/parity-deals-clone
Try Clerk: https://go.clerk.com/J5ucSbS
Try Neon: https://fyi.neon.tech/wds2
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My Blog: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com
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00:00:00 β Introduction
00:01:10 β Project Demo/Overview
00:04:35 β Next.js Setup
00:07:35 β ShadCN Setup
00:09:07 β Navbar Design
00:15:50 β Clerk Setup
00:18:29 β Landing Page Design
00:46:44 β Sign In/Sign Up Pages
00:50:16 β Dashboard Navbar Design
00:54:04 β Private Route Setup
00:56:44 β Database Setup
00:59:40 β Type Safe Environment Variables
01:03:40 β Drizzle Setup
01:19:17 β Clerk Webhooks
01:26:51 β IMPORTANT: Database Clean Code
01:29:28 β Finish Clerk Webhooks
01:33:00 β Dashboard Home Page
01:37:25 β New Products Form
02:04:30 β Product Grid
02:31:00 β IMPORTANT: Caching System
02:52:40 β Edit Product Details Form
03:08:34 β Edit Product Country Discounts Form
03:52:10 β Start Edit Product Customization Form
03:54:36 β IMPORTANT: User Permissions
03:58:10 β Finish Edit Product Customization Form
04:16:49 β More User Permissions
04:24:40 β User Subscription Page
04:36:10 β Stripe Integration
05:08:49 β Banner API
05:31:52 β Analytics Page
06:25:57 β Fixing Mistakes
#SaaS #WDS #NextJS