Weekly WIx Tips – https://www.wixmywebsite.com/
Wix Talks Podcast – https://computermdofgilbert.wixsite.com/wixtalks
Creating a paid membership website in Wix is not as hard or impossible as it may seem. By using integrations like the PayPal subscription button and Wix’s ability to create member only pages or member locked pages, you can create a paid membership website with different membership levels in Wix.
**UPDATED Video to address some new changes**
Topics Covered:
-Wix My Website Course
-Creating PayPal Subscription Button
-Adding a Wix Sales Page
-Adding A Wix Members Page
-Creating A Button Menu in Wix
-Making member only pages in Wix
-Wix My Website Conclusion
Stay Connected:
Email: computermdofgilbert@gmail.com
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Wix My Website Series:
This Wix series will have multiple Wix tutorials uploaded EVERY WEEK of 2017! Email me for any Wix troubles you may have.