How to build a website @ http://hubhow.com/how-to-create-a-website/ – How to create a website from scratch is a great skill to have if you want to market anything on the web or you just want to put up a personal website. Some people would be happy just having a nice personal webpage, while others would prefer a bells and whistles full-blown website.
Some folk think it’s too hard and others think that they can throw a website together and end up on the first page of Google in a week. Both are wrong. I have a few websites that make me money and I am not very technical because the truth is that even people like me can learn how to put a collection of related webpages together and then fill them with related content.
However there are of millions of websites, so you don’t want to just build a website for it to get lost amidst the crowd you want to be able to know how to build a website for dummies that makes a significant amount of cash. The website link above will show you how to do that.
You could hire someone to do it all for you at a price or you could do it yourself with one of the many point and click website builders and website templates, that’s what I do. You don’t need expertise in HTML, CSS, and FTP or any of the other techy stuff. With easy to understand and operate website building you can create a site for personal use, business use, for a small group or to market any product or publishing any advertising.
You will even find out how to build a website for free if you want to or to pay a small monthly cost and have hundreds of design templates to pick from, with a choice of website type. When someone tries to build a website too quickly without learning the right way to do it they can end up not having a website that is easily found and/or having webpages that don’t make any money. That’s why it is worth checking out the link above.
Lots of websites or videos show you how to build a website with wordpress, which is an open source platform (free) website builder but this is not always the best way. My belief is that I would rather spend my time making money that having to deal with the technical issues of doing it completely on my own.
There is a lot of talk as to whether a blog or website is best; it doesn’t matter as both can make great money. The secret is not in the form but in the content. If your content is good and relevant and presented in the right way in video and text people will find it and the search engines will love it.
Subscribe to this channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/WebsiteBuilder100
Like this video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1LU0dYA8Lk
Watch how to make a website – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3oT3LOPQk
So if you want to know how to build a website for beginners or you want to improve what you already know just click on the link above.