Everyone knows WordPress needs plugins to make it shine, but which plugins should you choose? With such a huge variety of options, what criteria should you base your decisions on? We’ll walk you through a variety of essential checks to find the right ones for your site.
If you’d like to read even more about choosing plugins, check out this great post on WinningWP: https://winningwp.com/how-to-choose-and-install-new-wordpress-plugins/
– Interested in learning even more about WordPress. Check out https://winningwp.com for all kinds of tips, tricks, beginner guides, deals and resources!
– Guide to Choosing the Best WordPress Hosting: https://winningwp.com/best-wordpress-hosting/
– Beginner WordPress Guides: https://winningwp.com/guides/
– Exclusive WordPress Deals: https://winningwp.com/wordpress-deals-and-coupons/
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