How To Create A Custom Preloader Screen in Wix – Wix Code Tutorial | Wix Website Tutorial

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Creating a custom preloader or loading screen in Wix is actually much easier than it may appear. Using the new Wix Code, Wix now allows you to create a custom preloader or loading screen. Truly, since Wix Code uses JavaScript to run it’s functions, really anything can be created in Wix Code using HTML and Javascript. However, this new custom preloader in Wix will finally give your website some sex appeal or curb appeal on loading. Previously, Wix did not have the functionality for their users to create a custom preloader or any at all and it left your website blank while it was loading for almost 6-8 seconds. They say you have 7 seconds to capture someone’s attention when they hit your website. So, this preloader is key to retaining new subscribers and hopefully gaining more customers.
Code For Preloader (Google Doc):
Preloader GIF’s:
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