Weekly Wix Tips- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/
Hire Me? – https://www.wixmywebsite.com/services
Wix Course- https://wix-academy.teachable.com/p/wix-my-website
Creating a dynamic gallery in Wix has been made super simple with the integration of Wix Code. Wix Code allows you to upload the proper information you need from a custom user input form into a database. That database information could then be displayed on dynamic pages. Dynamic galleries could be so helpful in so many different ways. I would highly recommend you take a look at these if you are building a website using Wix Code.
Wix Certified Trainer- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/wix-certified-trainer
Topics Covered:
-Weekly Wix Tips Email List
-Wix My Website New Design
-Creating A Dynamic Gallery
-Using Wix Code
-Signing Up For Weekly Wix Tips and Forum
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Email: computermdofgilbert@gmail.com
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Wix My Website Series:
This Wix series will have multiple Wix tutorials uploaded EVERY WEEK of 2017! Email me for any Wix troubles you may have.