In this tutorial we’ll take a first look at Wix Code and go through a practical real-world sample application. We will build a web application which lets you retrieve up to date information for
any crypto currency. In the background a 3rd party REST API will be used to retrieve the needed information. By using Wix Code we will be initiating the web service call and we will be making sure the the result is displayed to the user on the website.
Wix is a cloud-based website builder that traditionally has targeted people who want to create their web presence without coding.
Now Wix has added a big new feature to their platform: Wix Code. With Wix Code you are now able to enhance your Wix website with database collections, dynamic content and custom forms. You can use JavaScript to include your own code in the website and you can take full control of the way the website is working.
In these tutorials we will have a look at what you can actually do with Wix Code. You can just follow along by creating your free Wix.com (https://wix.com) account and follow the step-by-step instructions included.
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