In this video, you will learn How to Create a WordPress website for an Interior Designing Business with the help of DomainRacer Web Hosting. Following up in this tutorial, I will teach you how you can buy a domain name for your brand/ business, and then we will learn how you can create a complete WordPress website with the help of free themes and plugins.
DomainRacer: https://www.domainracer.com/
How to install WordPress on the local computer: https://youtu.be/qzNSHxWkxus
How to Upload Localhost WordPress website on server: https://youtu.be/_CMsFL0_UvM
Food ordering Website with Android App: https://youtu.be/lkcEYJCpM58
Ecommerce website with online payment option: https://youtu.be/mAlxd5zH2mE
Online Course Selling website video link: https://youtu.be/Iqe3TB1_uog
#howtocreateawebsiteusingwordpress #createainteriordesigningwebsite #wordpresstutorial
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