Start building your website here: https://www.laurenkaywrites.com/squarespace
Full text blog post with photos: https://medium.com/swlh/why-you-need-a-writer-website-and-how-to-build-one-in-15-minutes-865af54fa35d
I can’t stress how important it is to have a great looking author website. When I spoke with agents who were interested in representing me, many mentioned how impressed they were with my website. One said that it showed I was in this for my longterm career, and not just one book.
Many writers have asked me how I created my website, so I created this tutorial to show you just how easy it is to create the same kind of website that bestselling authors use…in 13 minutes.
Wanna skip the chitchat? The tutorial starts at 3:14.
In this video, I’ll answer a few questions:
When should you make an author website?
What if you don’t have any writing to add to your website?
Ack, I’m too overwhelmed to do this! (Not really a question but…a feeling I know well!)
Before working through this tutorial, I’d suggest:
Writing a 1-paragraph, third-person bio
Taking a nice, smiling (or not, whatever’s on brand) photo—you don’t need a professional headshot.
Here is the Fiverr user who made my logo: https://track.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=243307&brand=fiverrcpa&landingPage=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fiverr.com%2Fstrawberrique
Thanks so much for watching! I can’t wait to see your beautiful sites; please link them down below, and let me know if you have any questions!
Note: I don’t work for Squarespace; I’m just a huge stan. I made this video because I love helping writers spend more time writing and less time screaming in frustration at their computer screen. This video contains an affiliate link, which helps support the channel and allows me to continue to creating content like this. Thank you for your support!
I love connecting with fellow writers!
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