How to easily find out what Squarespace template a website is using
FULL ARTICLE ON FINDING OUT WHAT SQUARESPACE TEMPLATE A WEBSITE IS USING: http://www.charlotteohara.ca/blog/easily-find-out-squarespace-template-a-website-is-using
Ever wondered what Squarespace template a website is using? In this video I’ll show you exactly how to find it out in a few easy steps.
This tutorial walks you through finding the Squarespace template ID in the website’s source code, how to look up the associated template name, and what to do next. It also shows you what to do if multiple or no template IDs come back in your search results.
Website: www.charlotteohara.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lottieohara/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lottieohara/
FREE COURSE: BUILD YOUR OWN SQUARESPACE WEBSITE : http://www.charlotteohara.ca/launch-your-best-site/
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