In this video, I’m going to show you how to find a slow WordPress plugin for your website with the help of a free chrome extension.
Use this method to find out which plugins are slowing down your WordPress site.
After finding these slow plugins, remove them to speed up your WordPress site.
🔴 Chrome Extension Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wp-hive/hbbcblcogociooaeodndcimehhchadka/
🔴 Guide on Improving Website Speed: https://blogginglift.com/improve-website-speed/
🔴 Join Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BloggingRush
Due to the Google Web Vitals Update, It’s very important that your website should load faster (within 2 seconds).
I’ll also recommend you to check your all articles speed using the Google Page Speed Insights tool to know that your website page speed score is good or not.
If your WordPress website loads very slow, then deactivating the slow loading plugins is the first option to WordPress website speed optimization. In other words, you can make your website load faster. Website speed is one of the most important ranking factor for 2021 and beyond. if your WordPress blog or website load faster then your can expect ranking boost on Google. I’ll recommend you to watch this video till the end to understand how to increase the speed of the website by removing slow loading plugins. In this video, I have mentioned the best chrome extension which can help you to speed up the WordPress website.
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🔴 Mic I Use to record this video: https://amzn.to/3wyo950
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#WordPress #PageSpeed #WebsiteSpeed #Blogging