In this Wix tutorial, learn how to make a dropdown menu in Wix. We can make a dropdown menu in your website navigation in two different ways. One way includes a clickable page as the parent element, but you can also have an unclickable folder or category as your main dropdown menu element in Wix.
I use Screen Studio, the best screen recording software on Mac: https://bit.ly/PGScreenStudio
• Main Channel: https://bit.ly/PixelAndBracketYT
• Illustrator: http://bit.ly/PBIllustrator
• Photoshop: http://bit.ly/PBPhotoshop
• InDesign: http://bit.ly/PBInDesign
• Premiere Pro: http://bit.ly/PBPremierePro
• After Effects: http://bit.ly/PBAfterEffects
• Illustrator for Beginners: https://bit.ly/Illustrator5Essentials
• Photoshop for Beginners: https://bit.ly/Photoshop5Essentials
Download project files and other resources from the Pixel & Bracket Vault on my website: https://pixelandbracket.com
Get Skillshare Premium for free and learn from myself and thousands of other creators: https://bit.ly/PBSkillshare
My favorite place to get music for my YouTube videos: https://bit.ly/PBEpidemicSound
I love using StreamYard for my livestreams, video recording, and podcasts with guests. You can try it for free and get $10 off when you sign up with my link: https://bit.ly/PBStreamyard
My two favorite YouTube browser plugins and keyword research tools are VidIQ (https://bit.ly/PBVidIQ) and TubeBuddy (https://bit.ly/PBTubeBuddy). I use each and HIGHLY recommend them if you want to grow a successful YouTube channel! (btw just pick one, having both is probably overkill… )
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