Get 70% OFF Web Hosting HERE: https://www.darrelwilson.com/siteground70
Elementor PRO Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9tcmqJEEu4
Gloria Food App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/restaurant-order-taking-app/id903935429
In this video, I will show you step by how to create a food ordering website with Wordpres. With this website, you can accept real time orders for pick up and delivery with credit cards or they can pay you at your restaurant. There is no start up cost for this and its really easy for anyone to get started. This tutorial is for anyone who wants to make a website for themselves or their business or if you want to start taking orders for your restaurant. Right now, i think is a good time to add an online food delivery system to your website to help get more sales and orders!
Payment Gateways
0:00:00 Intro
0:50 What will you learn today?
6:50 Get DISCOUNTED SiteGround Hosting
9:30 Install WordPress
15:15 Install WordPress Theme
17:20 Import Demo Content
20:10 Designing Home Page
27:00 Get More Elementor Templates
29:20 Create Website With Blocks
35:00 How To Reset WordPress And Start Over
37:27 Add Online Food Ordering And Delivery And Booking
38:50 Setting Up Plugin And Creating Profile
40:15 Delivery Zones
47:17 Adding Your Menu (Creating Products)
53:35 Adding Ordering Buttons To Homepage
1:03:16 How To Add Payment Methods
1:07:02 Adding Stripe To Your Website
1:08:35 Adding Paypal To Your Website
1:09:50 Live Transaction And We Are DONE!!
1:12:15 Closing Remarks
Want to purchase elementor pro? Help support me by using my link! https://www.darrelwilson.com/elementor
Checkout my other Multilingual WordPress Tutorial Youtube Channels!
Spanish Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Sm53FofDOVA5T0pzyebEA
Arabic Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDxCp7gMbzmNIjUqOCu1xcg/videos
Hindi Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTje7OJghnjEJ8d4llefQw
Portuguese Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-QXBdlmT0YL3I-bnyeug
French Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLEH_xAh0VxCTSq1AQBYPsg
German Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTkmZD2BCJpedWe4Hb5QVLw
Thanks for watching this video everyone. I do take alot of time to make these videos. If this video helped you, let me know in the comments below! And make sure to like this video! If you want to visit my website, you can visit it here at https://www.darrelwilson.com