Today we cover how to make money online with Squarespace. Don’t forget to join my free $1,000 cash giveaway now at https://chasereiner.com
Here’s what we cover today:
1. How much money can you make with this? It would not be unreasonable to earn around $50 – $100 an hour doing what I’m showing you here. Check out my full Upwork guide here: https://youtu.be/04not0p5_Ls
2. Sign up for a free Squarespace account at freesquarespacesite.com
2. Begin taking the main elements of the website and plug them into Squarespace
3. Optimize with free account signup like shineranker.com or grab the annual pass now at https://chasereiner.com/shine
4. Profit
L E G A L:
You can assume that I will receive compensation for anything I recommend either as an affiliate or from my own products. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice. You should do your own due diligence and research. The content is purely for educational purposes only.