In this video, you will learn how to make money with WordPress plugins. You only need to install them on someone else’s site and charge for it!
▶️ Get Plugins For Cheap: https://www.awaketake.com/go/festinger-vault
▶️ Sell On Fiverr: https://www.awaketake.com/go/fiverr
▶️ Get My Free Training Here: https://www.awaketake.com/free-video-training-series/
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#makemoneywithwordpress #makemoneyonline #awaketake
What Is WordPress?
WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS). This is a tool that makes it easy to manage all aspects of a website without having to know a single line of code.
Everything can be done using drag-and-drop from web design to creating content, changing layouts, etc.
What Are WordPress Plugins?
To be able to achieve certain functions with WordPress you will need to install extras which can be either plugins, themes, or even scripts for advanced users.
Plugins allow you to speed up your site, improve SEO/ rankings, track visits and even create whole new pages.
On the other side, themes will let you change the appearance of your site and customize certain elements such as footers, headers, colors, etc. But they can also just be used as a framework where users can also build from a blank template.
How Can I Make Money With WordPress Plugins?
Theme and plugin licenses can be very expensive! Some have either monthly or annual fees and can go up to $300 or more.
That’s why there are a lot of people looking for ways to get those exact plugins without paying these steep fees. One place they go to do so is Fiverr.
The gig sellers on Fiverr purchase agency licenses that have unlimited installations and then sell the installation as a service for each client… And that’s how they make money!
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Check out my Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoQfiva_nfq0n0RFiHKQ5Q
Inspired By:
Darrel Wilson: 12 Ways To Make Money Online With WordPress and Work From Home!
Mike Vestil: How To Make Money With WordPress in 2021 (For Beginners)
Mike Vestil: How To Make Money On WordPress In 2021 (For Beginners)
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▶️ Get Plugins For Cheap: https://www.awaketake.com/go/festinger-vault
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