Whether you are using a free or a paid theme or plugin, when there are new version updates available, you will receive a message on your WordPress Dashboard suggesting an update, but there are certain cases when this doesn’t happen.
There are a few reasons for this, but in this video, we will take a look at the way you can manually update WordPress themes and plugins
If you want to know more about the reason why you don;t get the update message here are some reasons:
1. Your license key is invalid or expired. On this topic, you can check this document: Why is my license key invalid?
2. License key wasn’t activated. In case you are using a paid theme or plugin, you may need to activate the license in order to receive updates. Here is a document on How to activate your license key.
3. You’ve made changes to the style.css file. If you made changes to this part of the style.css file, the theme will no longer be recognized, therefore, updates won’t happen automatically anymore.
4. When there are server connection problems. There are certain cases when the users tried to add the license key and it validates, but the license key will not show.
5. The activate button doesn’t show. Using an older version of the theme/plugin might cause this issue, meaning that when you will try to add the license key and click on the Activate button, that won’t be displayed.
Other Useful Links and Videos that will help you build your website:
30+ Free and Premium WordPress Themes: https://themeisle.com/wordpress-themes/
Top Free & Premium WP Plugins: https://themeisle.com/wordpress-plugins/
Check out our latest WordPress Tutorials on our blog: http://bit.ly/2kqDz99
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