#Preview #Squarespace #website under trial or take it live
If you have the following questions they will be answered in this video.
Read the Blog post: https://bizanosa.com/preview-in-squarespace/
How do I Preview in squarespace?
Got o settings , then site availability as shown in the video. Set up the access from there.
How do I Preview Mobile in squarespace?
Once you’ve setup the preview access as shown in the video, you can preview your Squarespace website on any browser. Including your Mobile phone browser.
How do I share my Squarespace site preview?
Copy the link from your browser as shown in the video. You’ll see exactly how I did it and previewed the site on a different browser.
How do I change the layout on squarespace?
This will be covered in another squarespace tutorial. Subscribe to my channel and you’ll get notified when I upload more Squarespace tutorials.
Squarespace tutorial Video Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYR32io-EGe6u311ymPY481oAxaB3YlbJ
Hi. In this video let’s see how you can preview your website when you are period, or , how you can take your Squarespace live. You can do all this in the same place.
If you want to preview or you want to take it live. Just come here under settings. And then, here on site Availability , click on that. For you to take the site live, you’ll have to upgrade. If you want to publish it right now, you are going to have to upgrade to publish the website. And then you can just use the domain that you use for your site or you can copy this and preview it. That is, if your website has been upgraded.
If you don’t want to upgrade now, but you want to preview the website, just come here and click on this (Password protected)). By default it will be on private, but just come here and set a password. You can use this password to preview your site.
Let’s just set the password here. Once you set the password, click on save. Now if I go to any other browser, I can preview the site. So, just using the link that I copied here. Just copy the first part of the link here. Or you can use a domain of you’ve already connected a domain, but you can only connect the domain once you’ve upgraded.
So let’s copy and I will come to a private browser, paste and go. It will ask you for the password, and you can now preview your Squarespace website.
So that is how you can preview your website on Squarespace when you are building it. If you don’t set a password, you will not be able to preview it otherwise.
That’s it for this video, I will see you in another Squarespace tutorial.
Read the post on my website : https://bizanosa.com/preview-in-squarespace/
how to share squarespace website preview
****5upp0r7 My Ch4nn3l****
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