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Learn how to use an API in your web app and see some real examples of using APIs for fetching random quotes, Chuck Norris jokes, currency exchange rates, COVID19 statistics and more.
Source code (example #1):
Source code (example #2):
RapidAPI website:
APIs used in the video:
1. Quotes – https://rapidapi.com/martin.svoboda/api/Quotes
2. Chuck Norris – https://rapidapi.com/matchilling/api/Chuck%20Norris
3. Currency exchange – https://rapidapi.com/fyhao/api/Currency%20Exchange
4. COVID-19 – https://rapidapi.com/api-sports/api/COVID-19
0:00 Intro
1:02 The basic VS Code setup
2:09 Choosing an API
5:30 Implementing the API in your app
8:04 Using your API key correctly
10:27 Some API examples
12:29 Outro
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