Checkout Frontity: https://bit.ly/frontity-webdevsimplified
Frontity is an incredible tool for creating headless WordPress sites using React. It takes all the pain of dealing with PHP and WordPress directly and wraps it up into a nice and easy to use container. In this video I will show you how to use Frontity to create a simple WordPress theme with React and also how to use React Spring to add custom page transitions to your WordPress site.
📚 Materials/References:
GitHub Code: https://github.com/WebDevSimplified/Frontity-Blog
🧠 Concepts Covered:
– How to create a Frontity site
– How to add page transitions in Frontity
– Why React is so much nicer to work with for WordPress themes
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My Blog: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com
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⏱️ Timestamps:
00:00 – Introduction
00:41 – Demo
01:13 – Create Initial Project
04:50 – Frontity Packages Explained
08:45 – Most Important Components
09:44 – Modifying Styles
10:43 – Page Transitions
15:19 – Deployment
18:22 – Outro
#Frontity #WDS #HeadlessWordPress